❗️Staking in the current 90-day / 65% APR will be turned off on 31 May 2023

❗️NOTE: As mentioned in previous posts, the ability to stake in the current 90-day / 65% APR contract will be turned off (tomorrow), 31 May 2023. You will still be able to claim your rewards that have been generated through

Our first AMA of June is this week!

📣 Our first AMA of June is coming up this Thursday, June 1st! Catch all the updates at 9am UTC 🔥   In this bi-monthly edition we will be focusing on all the #staking currently underway – both the current

BTAF token weekly bulletin – May 26th 2023

BTAF BULLETIN – 26 May 2023 #21 Staking, staking and more staking news! 🥳 🎥 In last week’s AMA we touched on the current 90-day / 65% APR staking contract and announced the new staking contract that will be released

🥩 Important dates to be aware of in the current 90-day / 65% APR staking contract 👀

🥩 Hi there BTAF token stakers! Here’s the next update on the current staking contract: 🥩 31 May – The ability to stake any new BTAF tokens to the current 90-day / 65% APR will be turned off. You will

🥩 Important information around the current 90-day / 65% APR staking contact and the NEW contract coming soon!

📣 As announced on our bi-monthly AMA last week, there are some important dates to be aware of in the coming weeks as we launch our second staking contract! 🥳 The graphic here outlines the roadmap for the next few

BTAF token weekly bulletin – May 19th 2023

BTAF BULLETIN – 19 May 2023 #20 Exciting news from our AMA yesterday all to do with the current and new staking contracts, IPO member benefits and a BTAFPAay announcement! 🤩🥳 🎥 For those who missed it, HERE is the

BTAF token AMA – May 18th announcement

📣 Our next AMA of May is coming up soon! Catch all the updates this Thursday, May 18th, at 9am UTC! In this edition we will be touching on the staking currently underway (with some important dates to be aware

BTAF BULLETIN – 12 May 2023 #19

BTAF BULLETIN – 12 May 2023 #19 Another week, another good coupla BTAF tokens (if you’ve been staking them)! Here’s a quick recap of some important info for those who’ve just joined us: 🎮 We’ve launched another community game here

BTAF token weekly bulletin – May 5th

BTAF WEEKLY BULLETIN – 5 May 2023 #18 Happy Cinco de Mayo to our Mexican friends! We can’t believe how quickly the year is going by! We’re already into May and for some that means it’s almost winter/summer. While the

BTAF token weekly bulletin, staking, BitcoinTAF.com

BTAF token weekly bulletin — March 3rd

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on telegram Share on email BTAF BULLETIN — 3 March 2023 #9 Happy end of the work week Tuffy fam! We’re here again with your weekly ration